Friday, November 24, 2006

Day #24

Wow, day 24 already. Woot, that means I'm nearing the end, and I can go back to ignoring this blog and my LJ for months at a time. However, both today and tomorrow will be almost place-holder posts, since I close both tonight and tomorrow night, so I won't be getting home til almost midnight. C'mon, it's the day after Thanksgiving. It'll probably take me 45 min, instead of my usual 15, to get to work. I guess all that turkey makes people crazy, it affects their brains in odd ways. So, yeah, this means that I must post before I go to work, but since I don't wake up until very close to time, well, that makes these posts short and pointless. Sorry.

Anyways, mata ashita.

1 comment:

velocibadgergirl said...

It's almost becoming unnecessary for you to announce that you're posting yet another placeholder / cop-out post, isn't it? ;) ;)