Thursday, November 23, 2006

Day #23

This is gonna be a bit of a cop-out post, mainly because it's Thanksgiving, and I'm feeling very lazy. I've eaten, seen the movie (which was passable, and about what was expected; pretty predictable, really) and now my brother wants me to play a hot seat game of Civ 4 with him. So, yeah.

Oh, last night, when I went to IHOP with PF2 over there (-->) and ate the tasty cheesecake pancakes, she was talking about the blogging idea book she recently bought. And basically it said something along the lines of "most of the people reading your blog don't know you, so give them insights into your personality". And although I think it's a good point, I'm pretty sure that the people who read this blog all know me, and might actually be afraid of the insides of my personality (it's kinda dark and moist in there). So, no random pictures of my wardrobe, or my obsession with writing utensils (not a real obsession, thankyouverymuch). Just my rambling thoughts.

And I think that's enough rambling right now, the monkey is calling me to take over the world with him.

Mata ashita!

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