Friday, October 07, 2005

A Blog is born

Do you hear that sound? That wailing, keening cry of something realizing that it's trapped on this plane of existence until Fate lets it go? Those are the newborn cries of this baby Blog, the closest I'll ever get to giving birth (please, any god listening, let that be true!).
"Why?" you ask. Why has this monster been brought into the world? Because everyone else has a blog (or an LJ, or a webpage), and I was feeling left out. So that I would have something to do when feeling bored, or something. So I could have a place to post pictures and make a list of links and to bore any poor soul who comes across this blog with the rantings of my college-deadened mind. Oh yes, and to show off Ellie's wonderful title, since my broken brain couldn't think of anything as beautiful as that collection of GRE words. And it's so appropo, too. Hell, is that even how that word is spelled? I really do think my brain is broken!
Oh well, anyways, moving on. We'll see how long this lasts, whether or not I ever post anything again. I should, don't say "apathetic mind" up there for nothin'. So, we'll see.
Until the Muse hits me with a frying pan again, here's me signing off....or whatever.


A-muse-ing said...

Woot. :)


A-muse-ing said... might want to change your comment setting so people who don't have blogs can comment. :)


bibliophile81 said...

I'm actually going to have to look up "Elucidated" to find out what it means.

I'm also going to have to think for awhile on how to abriviate that into a link on my blog.

Now, if you'll excuse me, I must see about a small calico who thinks she's a mountain lion...