The Aftermath......
Ok, so I survived my very cold weekend without a jacket of any kind and a very flimsy ren outfit, but now I think I'm coming down with something. Damn natural karma. But the weekend was fun, so it's all good, just as long as I don't take any deep breaths. What did we do, you ask? Well, let's see...after I arrived in Anderson we tried to eat tacos, but those shells were pretty nasty, so we ended up with something along the lines of "chipless taco salads" as Jenny put it. Then I made them watch the first disc of Nadesico, and Jenny went to bed. I stayed up and played around on their X-Box with Ernest for a bit, then by myself, and then I went to sleep on the broken couch. Next morning I got up with them and helped with their rummage sale, then we went back and ate lunch, the suited up and drove to Fishers. At the Renfest we saw some SCA re-enactors do a bit of fighting, and one of the guys actually got a little hurt. He got clubbed on the back of the head, even though he was wearing a bunch of armor. I didn't get a pic of him... After the fight, Ernest got a pic of us with one of the fighters in full armor. As you can see, there I am to the back and the right of the knight, with Jenny next to me, and Jenny's mom and sister on the other side.
Yay for pictures. After the fight, we went over and watched the "Royal Falconer", although I didn't get
any good action pics of the birds. I did get some at the end, when the birds were posing. And I do mean posing. The peregrine kept lifting up its wings for those of us taking pics. Wasn't he cute! Gah, that stupid word has found it's way into my vocabulary, and I can't get rid of it. Anyways, the entire time we were there, I was sorta halfway looking for Ellie and Ceiledgh (that's probably not how it's spelled, I'm sorry!) since we were supposed to meet them, but they hadn't called. Turns out they were there the entire time, and had just lost mine and Jenny's cell numbers. After playing a bit of phone tag (you're it!) we met up with them and ate dinner at a Wendy's. They headed back to Hanover, and we headed back to Anderson. We watched another disc of Nadesico and went to bed so we could go to church in the morning. I know what you're thinking, and amazingly enough, no, I did not burst into flames upon entering the building. Since Jenny just got a job as glorified secretary at Central Christian Church in Anderson (a Diciples of Christ church) she wanted to actually attend a service. And since E was going to, I didn't really want to be left at their apartment alone. I had never been to a DoC service before, but it was essentially a Methodist service to me. Except that the minister/pastor/whatever the title was a woman. I don't think they do that at Methodist churches. But I could be wrong. Anyways, the minister called Jenny up toward the beginning of the service and introduced her to the congregation, and she in turn introduced E and myself, the visitor from far-off lands. Trust me, if you've ever tried to get anywhere from Evansville, you'll know exactly what I'm talking about. After church we went back to the apartment and watched a third disc of Nadesico, and then played a bit of Halo 2, me and Jenny vs. E. Jenny and I actually won once. It was exciting. The E's dad and sister showed up, and after looking at a bunch of pictures, that saintly man invited me to go to dinner with them and paid for me! So after dinner, I went back to their apartment to pick up a few last things, and was lured back into the world og Halo 2 for another couple of rounds before leaving at 9 pm. Waaaay too late for an almost 4 hour drive, but oh well. It was tons of fun, though, and someday I'll have a group of days off from work so's I can do it again. Here's hoping for that!
Hmm.....I guess that's it for now....till later!
No wonder I we're friends!
Woot! Much fun-ness, and with pictures! Yay! I will hafta link you to my tsela-gyn site. :)
Also, woot for updates. :)
Sharon! Thou hast joined the world of Blogdom! Keep up the fabulous work and posting of photos!!
Yay! And post more! Poooosssttt mooorrrreee.... hehehe Okay, I'll stop "poking" you now.... ;)
Eesh, see what me and Sheena missed, thats the problem with working health care =-) Perhaps next year (I need to get some more milage outa my outfit from Jenny's wedding =-)
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