Sunday, September 09, 2007

So, here I sit, in my absolutely tiny apartment, in my newly assembled chair at my newly assembled (though only partway helps if the holes pre-drilled into the metal supports are actually large enough to screw in the provided screws!) desk, using stolen wireless to blog. I should have non-stolen internet, cable that won't be shut off 6 days after moving in, and "digital phone" on the 17th, so hopefully I can blog then. And supply interested parties with a phone number. I may even put up before and after pics of the TA (tiny apartment), if I feel so inclined. I start work tomorrow bright and early, so we'll see if I want to run screaming and crying "back home again".

I'm not feeling that typative (as opposed to talkative), so I shall end with a congratulations to the bibliophile, who succeeded in getting her promotive job, and who also starts that tomorrow. Congrats again!

Anyways, till next time,

Mata ne!

1 comment:

bibliophile81 said...

*does a happy dance for both of us*