Thursday, March 15, 2007

Pi(e) Day

So, yesterday was Pi Day. And in honor of this most auspicious of days, I made a pie.

It was a chocolate chip and pecan affair...a bit like a really soft cookie in a pie crust.

Well, as I sat there, eating my pie, the bibliophile called to invite me out for more pie! Hey, it was Pi Day, what do you think I did?? That's right, out for more pie. The only problem was, afterward, I kept trying to swim up out of sugar-induced sleep...all while playing Soul Calibur 3 with rabidmonkey...but, hey, it was all good fun.


Anonymous said...

I love Soul Calibur, but I've never played the 3rd one.

You should totally post the recipe for that pie, cos, YUM!

norahs1213 said...

I can hook you up with the recipe...unless I really feel like posting it on here...

And as for Soul Calibur...I LOVE that game, though 1 is still the best. But I have them all, now. And my brother's PS2 for the time being. ;)

Anonymous said...

I still play the first one occasionally on my brothers Dreamcast. Does the new version have Asteroth? Cos, I can swing giant axe like nobody's business.


norahs1213 said...

Oh yes, Asteroth's in all of them. I'm pretty sure most of the characters came back for thos newer games, or had duplicates made, or something. The only problem I see with the newer ones is that sometimes you just have to close your eyes to play, cuz their costumes are SCARY.

Lard Bobbo said...

y'know there is a game that takes place before soul calibur, soul blade (4 the ps1) I think the name was suppose to have been soul edge (y'know, the evil sword in all those games) but it didn't translate right, but it was like the second fighting game that was made in 3d so the graphics are really crappy, but don't let that stop you evilducky77

norahs1213 said...

That's all fine and good, except we don't have that anymore since you let someone borrow it and get, what, nail polish on it?? So what's the point in bringing it up? And I never even got to play it...not that I really wanted to...