Wednesday, November 01, 2006

Day #1!

All right, here goes!

Since I'm no good with HTML (i.e. I have no idea how to do anything), I don't know how to put the picture and link on my sidebar for NaBloPoMo. So, I had thought to just upload the pic in a post and put the link under it or something, but the last 2 times I've tried, it's taken too long for Blogger to upload the pic, and the connection times out. I've linked it. And the pic I was wanting to use is the one with Yoda talking about keeping the Wookies away. Although...I really like Wookies, so I dunno if I want to keep them away...

Anyways....last night I went to a Halloween party at a friend of a coworker's apartment. It was...interesting. I am currently washing my coat so it doesn't smell so much like an ashtray, and that's saying a lot, since I live in a house with a smoker.
They apparently made 72 Jello shots for this party...I had one. I don't know if one of the other people had any...she brought her own alcohol in a Mountain Dew bottle. And there were only 7 people there, including me, so...about 71 Jello shots to like 5 or 6 people...yeah, some of 'em were really drunk. But it was still pretty fun, for hanging out with people I barely know/don't know at all. We ended up watching anime at the end, and I stayed until 5 am.

I didn't wear a costume, cuz it's not here yet, but it should get here tomorrow around 3, when I'm at work. I was so convinced I had to close tomorrow, but no, I open. Bah. Oh well. Maybe when I get back from work tomorrow I can finish bits of the costume, the accessories if you will. We'll see how my somewhat lacking artistic abilities do for the armband as I try to draw it from a picture, and then copy my drawing onto fabric and coloring it with a sharpie. I'll try not to breathe it in too much.

I suppose that's it for tonight. I don't wanna run out of things to talk about too soon!

Til tomorrow!


A-muse-ing said...

Ooh, ooh, is your costume in yet?? Isitisitisit? :) You know you hafta come show me.... :)

Peace and love.

velocibadgergirl said...

I can talk you through doing the cool sidebar pic-i-fication if you're interested. Just IM me some night or call while you're logged in :D It's super easy.